The Most Unique Attractions in Dubai

Dubai used to be considered as the playground of the rich and famous with ridiculously expensive hotels, private drinking clubs and high-end sports cars roaming the streets. While this still may be true, the city is now open to tourists of…

The Basics of Owning a Beach House

Escaping to the beach during the hot summer is an extremely popular vacation.  In fact, many people find themselves purchasing a second home at the beach as a means of traveling there whenever they desire.  While it’s great to have…

Investment Tips for Buying a Vacation Property

Investment Tips for Buying a Vacation Property

Like millions of people have you thought about a vacation home but found you didn’t have the money or the money would be better spent elsewhere? Well there is a trend of people having their cake and eating it too…

The Most Unique Beaches in The World

The Most Unique Beaches in The World

Not all beaches are created equal, while there are thousands of picturesque, postcard ready beaches throughout the world; some really take it to the next level. Whether it the sand, the scenery, the company Here are some of the most…

Best Countries For Shopping

The Best Countries For Shopping

Shopping is a major draw for most travelers. Whether you are looking for a bargain on designer clothes and electronics, or unique handmade crafts; here are some of the best countries for shopping. Italy Let’s get the big one out…

Interesting Coffee Shops

The Most Interesting Coffee Shops in The World

Who doesn’t enjoy a good cup coffee? Tea drinkers maybe? Well cafes usually have both but the draw to these coffee shops isn’t the beverages. Here are some of the most interesting coffee shops in the world. Goat Café Tokyo brought…